2021 Rules and Regulations for Fair Exhibitors
1. The annual membership for 2021 is $5.00.
A membership card allows free admission to the fair on EITHER the Friday, Saturday, or Sunday of the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair.
2. Admission: No admission to the Fair without: a ticket, membership card, weekend pass or special permit
Adults $5.00 daily
Weekend pass $10, allows admission for all three days of the fair
Children: Pre-school: Free
Under the age of 12: $1.00
12 and over adult rate: $5.00
All drivers and occupants of vehicles must have tickets.
A livestock/horse exhibitor and driver are admitted free.
3. The society shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or accident occurring to any person or property on the fair grounds during the fair. While the Officers and Directors of the Howick Agricultural Society will use every available means of preventing accidents on the fairgrounds, it must be strictly understood that any persons going into or upon the grounds are personally assuming all risk of accidents and/or injury.
4. Entry forms must be completed and returned to the Fair Office.
Entry forms will be accepted NO LATER than 12:00 pm Friday afternoon, together with proof of membership.
5. The exhibit hall will be open to receive entry forms and exhibits Thursday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Entries arriving after 12:00 pm will be disqualified.
All exhibitors are expected to leave the exhibit hall promptly at 12:00 pm.
6. All exhibitors awarded a prize of $5.00 or more must leave $5.00 in the hands of the Fair Secretary for next year’s membership.
7. Tickets or ribbons indicate the following prizes:
1st Place (Red Ribbon), 2nd Place (Blue Ribbon), 3rd Place (White Ribbon)
No one shall be allowed to display any badges or prize tickets secured at other fairs/exhibitions.
8. The Judges shall have it within their power to award the ribbons for classes as they see fit. If a Judge deems a entry to not worthy of a ribbon they may lower its placement at their discretion .
9. Any persons attempting to interfere with the judges and/or Officers of the Howick Agricultural Society while they are performing their duties and/or the use of contemptuous or abusive language shall be immediately ejected from the fairgrounds. Said persons shall also forfeit all prizes to which they would otherwise be entitled. The Board of Directors, at its discretion reserves the right to disqualify said person from exhibiting in future fair competitions.
10. No persons shall be allowed to enter more than one exhibit in any section of any class.
11. All samples of grain, seed, roots and/or garden produce must have been grown during the present season on land owned and/or rented by the exhibitor.
12. All exhibitors exhibiting livestock, produce and/or other articles not their own property or of their own manufacturing shall forfeit any and all prizes awarded to them.
*Note* Horses may be legally leased. Competitors up to age 18 may show animals loaned to them
for showing purposes.
13. NO article being exhibited in any class, nor any animal being shown may be removed from the exhibition hall or fairgrounds until 4:00 pm Saturday.
Any persons found of removing their exhibits from the exhibition hall prior to 4:00 pm the Saturday of the fair shall have their prize money FORFEITED.
14. Prize money shall not be paid if the person who won are found to have made actions contrary to the regulations and exhibits. Winning by fraud shall forfeit all prizes won.
15. Prize money shall be paid between October 15th and October 30th. All special prizes and gift baskets not claimed. before December 30th of the same year will become the property of the Howick Agricultural Society.
*NOTE* Please cash all cheques promptly.
16. All prize monies offered by the Howick-Turnberry Fair, if not competed for, shall become the property of the Howick Agricultural Society.
17. With the exception of Juniors, all First year exhibitors are asked to indicate that they are a first year exhibitor on the entry tag.
18. In the case of bad or unfavourable weather and/or other reasons causing receipts to fall short of covering prize money and expenses, the directors may, at their discretion, either deduct a proportionate amount, exclusive of membership, from cash prizes or use funds from Howick Agricultural Society reserves to enable the Directors to balance the accounts without loss to the Society.
Additional rules and regulations for Livestock and Pet Exhibitors
19. Livestock (horses excepted) and pets must be on the grounds by 10:00 am Saturday.
20. Animals are allowed to compete in ONLY the class in which they were first entered.
21. All animals are shown at the risk of the owners.
22. Horses must be entered and on the fair grounds before 12:00 pm the Saturday of the fair.
23. No persons shall be allowed to ride or drive horses on the fairgrounds faster than a walk EXCEPT when in the show ring. If any persons are found guilty of such offense they may be immediately removed from the fairgrounds.
24. All juniors must wear appropriate government approved equine helmets and shoes with heels.
26. No single entry fee for horses.
27 Exhibitors awarded a prize of $5.00 or over must leave $5.00 in the hands of the Fair Secretary for next year’s membership.
28. NO article being exhibited in any class, nor any animal being shown may be removed from the exhibition hall or fairgrounds until 4:00 pm Saturday.
Any persons found guilty of removing their exhibits from the exhibition hall prior to 4:00 pm the Saturday of the fair shall have their prize money FORFEITED.
revised August 2021